Houston Criminal Defense Attorneys
Everything Is on The Line Once You’re Accused of a Crime. We’re Ready to Start Fighting for You Today.
Criminal charges can cause lasting havoc on not only your life but your family’s life as well.
Everything is on the line; let our defense attorneys evaluate your case today.
- We believe in compassion and strive to provide our clients with ultimate support.
- Case evaluations are confidential.
- Communication is fundamental between attorneys and clients. Our team works diligently to keep clients informed. You should never be in the dark when defending yourself against criminal charges.
- Each case is unique. Our attorneys work hard to develop the best defense for your case.
If you or someone you love is facing criminal charges,contact us today.

What Charges Can Our Criminal Defense Lawyers Take On?
Doran & Cawthorne, P.L.L.C. has handled hundreds of cases, ranging in severity from misdemeanors to felonies. Our lawyers are ready to take on your case with their strong attention to detail and knowledge in Texas law.
Criminal charges we can handle for you include:
- Assault and battery charges
- Domestic violence
- Drug charges
- Firearm or weapon charges
- Shoplifting charges
- Probation violations
- Misdemeanors
- Embezzlement
- And more
Facing a criminal charge is serious and can change your life drastically. Let our lawyers defend you and guide you through your case.
Call Our Office for Criminal Defense
Our team of skilled criminal defense lawyers in Houston has defended hundreds of individuals in the courtroom. Put up a strong fight by relying on our lawyers to represent you.
Please do not include confidential or sensitive information in your message. In the event that we are representing a party with opposing interests to your own, we may have a duty to disclose any information you provide to our client.
The criminal justice system is an intricate network of agencies and institutions governed by law and procedure to uphold order and preserve public safety. There are many steps involved in the process, and our job is to make sure your rights are protected every step of the way. Criminal charges can quickly upheave and shake the very ground beneath you. A strong, experienced attorney can help place your feet on solid ground again. Everyone deserves a fighting chance.
When you’re charged with a crime, you need a lawyer that you can rely on to protect you from jail time. At Doran & Cawthorne, P.L.L.C., our lawyers can provide you with the legal advice and aggressive litigation you need. Rely on our experienced lawyers to fight for you.
Contact our office today to schedule a consultation.
The Doran & Cawthorne Difference
An injury is a devastating thing to have to deal with and a legal case on top of it can seem impossible. Our firm’s personal injury attorneys are able to offer peace of mind when you know that someone with experience and commitment is handling the situation.
When a case can’t be worked out through negotiation, Doran & Cawthorne has no qualms about taking the matter to court. Whether before a judge, or jury, we will gather the evidence necessary to present your case before the fact-finder in the best light.
It is all too common for insurance companies to offer less than what they know to be fair. Our lawyers will negotiate on your behalf, and won’t compromise for anything less than the amount they know you should be receiving.
Our lawyers don’t just talk it…we strive to deliver. You can rest assured you’ll have experienced personal injury counsel with Doran & Cawthorne on your side.
Having handled hundreds, if not thousands of injury cases in Louisiana, Texas and elsewhere, we can assess the best options for each case.
Our firm’s attorneys will guide you in the right direction to make sure your case is developed effectively to your advantage.