Baton Rouge Class Action Lawsuits
Build Your Class Action Lawsuit & Get the Compensation You Deserve
There are instances when a single party’s action, product, or service affects a group of people. When those affected individuals ban together and seek justice, a class action or mass tort lawsuit is formed. At Doran & Cawthorne, P.L.L.C., we help people band together to form a class action lawsuit against the offending party.
If you believe others have been injured or are in a similar situation as you because of a defect or negligence, call the experienced attorneys at Doran & Cawthorne, P.L.L.C. at (337) 222-3526.

Form a Class Action Lawsuit
When an action or defect causes minor injury or financial loss, many people don’t pursue legal compensation. The small losses one person experiences are not worth the cost in legal fees or litigation. When a class action lawsuit is formed, however, the cost of the litigation is consolidated and the cost of the losses of all those affected justify the cost of the lawsuit. The party responsible for injury or loss may be held accountable by the people with a mass tort claim. When you ban together with others who experienced similar losses, you stop being a victim and help yourself and others receive the compensation everyone deserves from the offending party.
Examples of class action lawsuits:
- Toxic chemical spill
- Defective tire manufacturing
- Corporate theft
- Illegal fees
- Dangerous drug distribution
- Defective products
- Consumer fraud
- Security fraud
Our Experienced Attorneys Can Help You
Our skilled attorneys at Doran & Cawthorne, P.L.L.C. know the procedures and have the resources to help you build a class action suit against a wrongdoer. We notify affected people and allow them to “opt-in” to the suit, bringing together the mass claims against the defendant. Representing you and the other affected individuals, we seek fair compensation for the accrued losses.
Get the compensation you and many like you deserve,call our Baton Rouge class action lawsuit attorneys at (337) 222-3526 to discuss your claim today.
The Doran & Cawthorne Difference
An injury is a devastating thing to have to deal with and a legal case on top of it can seem impossible. Our firm’s personal injury attorneys are able to offer peace of mind when you know that someone with experience and commitment is handling the situation.
When a case can’t be worked out through negotiation, Doran & Cawthorne has no qualms about taking the matter to court. Whether before a judge, or jury, we will gather the evidence necessary to present your case before the fact-finder in the best light.
It is all too common for insurance companies to offer less than what they know to be fair. Our lawyers will negotiate on your behalf, and won’t compromise for anything less than the amount they know you should be receiving.
Our lawyers don’t just talk it…we strive to deliver. You can rest assured you’ll have experienced personal injury counsel with Doran & Cawthorne on your side.
Having handled hundreds, if not thousands of injury cases in Louisiana, Texas and elsewhere, we can assess the best options for each case.
Our firm’s attorneys will guide you in the right direction to make sure your case is developed effectively to your advantage.